Pinterest is a social network where users post images and videos, called “pins,” to virtual pinboards for a community of millions to see.
Pins can be organized by theme, helping users to discover interesting media that they can re-pin to their own boards.
Learn how to…Find and follow your friends; Adjust your privacy settings; Add “Follow” and “Pin It” buttons to your website; Install the “Pin It” button to a web browser; Repin, like and comment on any pin; Edit your boards and more…

    • Pinterest hit 10 million U.S. Monthly unique visitors faster than any independent site in history
    • Nearly 12 million monthly unique visitors
    • Over 10.4 million registered users
    • 9 million monthly Facebook connected users
    • 97% of Pinterests’ Facebook fans are women
    • Raised $37.5 M in funding since October 2011
    • Over 1/5 of Facebook-connected users are on Pinterest daily, which is more than 2,000,000 members
    • Daily users have increased more than 145% since the start of 2012
    • Pinterest is generating more referral traffic to websites than Youtube, Google +. and LinkedIn combined.

12  Statistics that Make the Business Case for Pinterest

1) Pinterest buyers spend more money, more often, and on more items than any of the other top 5 social media sites. (Source: comScore)

2) U.S. consumers who use Pinterest follow an average of 9.3 retail companies on the site. (Source: shop.org)

3) Pinterest pins which include prices receive 36% more likes than those which do not. (Source: Shopify)

4) The number of daily Pinterest users has increased by 145% since January 2012. (Source: Shopify)

5) Pinterest leads in both awareness and visitation among social image sharing sites, with 36% of online consumers aware and 19% visiting. (Source: BizRate Insights)

6) Pinterest generates over 4x as much revenue per click (attributable to first touch) as Twitter and 27% more revenue per click than Facebook. (Source: Converto)

7) 47% of U.S. online consumers have made a purchase based on recommendations from Pinterest. (Source: BlogHer)

8) 81% of U.S. online consumers trust information and advice from Pinterest. (BlogHer)

9) Pinterest attracts 1,090 visitors per minute. (Source: Soci@l Jumpstart)

10) Pinterest is retaining and engaging users as much as 2-3x as efficiently as Twitter was at a similar time in its history. (Source: RJ Metrics)

11) Pinterest drives sales directly from its website — of people with Pinterest accounts, 21% have purchased an item after seeing it on Pinterest. (Sources: comScore andNielsen)

12) Pinterest generated more referral traffic for businesses than Google+, YouTube, and LinkedIn combined. (Source: Shareaholic)

What I will do for you: I will create a profile with a good picture that expresses who you are and I will add a short and thoughtful description. I will verify your website (that I will help you create) and it will have a little checkmark next to it. I will create inspiring boards with beautiful images that draw people in showcasing the best of your business (sharing your values, highlighting specials, celebrating seasons and holidays, showing how  you are different.). I will promote your pins and send traffic your way.

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